Here are some of the papers that have been requested during the past few years. I've separated them into topic categories for your convenience. Most of my recent work, however, can be found in my books.
**PLEASE NOTE** Due to some unique formatting used in these articles, the PDF versions of each document may offer a more consistent hard-copy printout.
Overviews of language and law (forensic linguistics)
Forensic Linguistics HTML version | PDF Document
In Aronoff, Mark and Janie Rees-Miller, (eds.), The Handbook of Linguistics. Oxford: Blackwell, 2001. pp. 683-691
Language and Law (forensic linguistics) PDF Document
In Aronoff, Mark and Janie Rees-Miller, (eds.), The Handbook of Linguistics (revised edition) Oxford: Wiley Blackwell (2017)
Linguistics in the American Courtroom. PDF Document
2007, Language and Linguistics Compass 1 (1-2) 100-114.
Breaking Into Language and Law. PDF Document
2002, in Linguistics, Language and the Professions, J. Alatis, H. Hamilton & A. Tan (eds.) Washington DC: Georgetown U Press, 67-80
Discourse Analysis in the Legal Context. HTML version | PDF Document In Deborah Schiffrin, Deborah Tannen, and Heidi Hamilton (eds.) The Handbook of Discourse Analysis. Oxford: Blackwell, 2001, pp. 437-452.
Discourse Analysis in the Legal Context. PDF Document In Deborah Tannen, Heidi Hamilton, and Deborah Schiffrin (eds.) The Handbook of Discourse Analysis, second edition, 2014. Oxford: Wiley Blackwell, 2014 pp. 822-840.
Applied Linguistics in the Legal Arena. PDF Document
2011, Chris Candlin & Srikant Sarangi (eds.) Handbook of Applied Linguistics Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 83-102
Linguistics in Criminal Cases
Linguistics in Terrorism Cases. PDF Document 2010, in Coulthard, Malcolm & Alison Johnson (eds) Routledge Handbook of Forensic Linguisics: Routledge, 558-575.
Children, Language and the Law. HTML version | PDF Document
In Montana Law Review, 66, 1 (winter 2005), pages 61-79.
Using a Linguist in Money Laundering Trials. HTML version | PDF Document
In White Collar Crime 2001, Chicago: American Bar Association 2001, pages
What Can Linguistics Say About Criminal Intent? HTML version | PDF Document
An English version of:
La aportacion de la linguistica al estudio de la intencionalidad criminal.
In M.T. Turrell (ed.) Linguistica forense, lengua and derecho: conceptos,
metodos y aplicaciones. Barcelona: Publications de l'IULA. 2005, pages
Discourse Clues to Coded Language in an Impeachment Hearing HTML version | PDF Document
Georgetown University
In G. Guy, C. Feagin, D. Schiffrin and J. Baugh (eds). Towards a Social Science of Language: Papers in Honor of William Labov. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 1997. pp. 121-138
Analyzing large amounts of language evidence. PDF Document An unpublished plenary lecture at the 2011 meeting of the International Association of Forensic Linguists in Birmingham, UK
Linguistic Profiling. PDF Document 2014, Excerpted from chapter 4 of Roger W. Shuy, The Language of Murder Cases, (2014) Oxford U Press.
Telling our stories: inside and outside of court. PDF Document 2017. Language and Law, vol 5, n 1, pp.1-19.
The importance of linguistic borrowing across disciplines: the anthropological notion of speech events. PDF Document 2019. Pragmatics & Society. 10.3, pp. 452-469.
Linguistics and terrorism cases. PDF Document (in press) Handbook of Forensic Linguistics. (Eds. Malcolm Coulthart, Alison Johnson, and Rui Sousa Silva New York: Routledge.
Linguistics in Civil Cases
Using Linguistics in Trademark Cases. PDF Document in Solan, Larry & Peter Tiersma (eds) Handbook on Forensic Linguistics. Oxford U Press, (2012)
Attacking the Bureaucracy of Sales: A Case Study of a Car Sales Event. PDF Document Chapter 8 in Bureaucratic Language in Government and Business, 1998
McDonald's Case. PDF Document Chapter 8 in Linguistic Battles in Trademark Disputes, Palgrave Macmillan, 2002
Tobaccospeak. DOC Document
(unpublished paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Dialect Society/Linguistic Society of America, Atlanta, Janurary 5, 2003)
Linguistics and Trademark Dilution. HTML version | PDF Document
Trademark Dilution Forum 2003. Arlington VA: International Trademark Association. 13.1-13.19
Warning Labels: Language, law, and comprehensibility. PDF Document
1990. American Speech, Vol. 65, No. 4 pp. 291-303.
Using a Linguist in Money Laundering Trials. HTML version | PDF Document
In White Collar Crime 2001, Chicago: American Bar Association 2001, pages
Product Liability and Warnings. PDF Document
In Fighting Over Words, OUP 2008 p. 75-119
Linguist as Expert Witness
To testify or not to testify. DOC Document
2002, Language in the Legal Process, Janet Cotterill (ed.), Houndsmill, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 3-18.
A dozen Reasons Why Linguistic Expertise is Rejected in Court. PDF Document Unpublished paper, 2007
The Reliability of Linguistic Testimony about "Staged" vs. Natural Conversation:
Perspectives of Linguistics and Law. HTML version | PDF Document
(unpublished paper)
Reference Books on Language and Law
References in Forensic Linguistics. PDF Document unpublished biography
Shuy's Language Log - Blogs About Language and Law
Gentlemen Cows. PDF Document McJobs and the Speech Police: curiosities about language and law. Selected posts from Language Log.
A Dialectologist’s Progress. PDF Document American Speech, Vol 87, No. 2, Summer 2012 pp. 115-125.
Code-Switching in Lady Chatterley's Lover. PDF Document York Papers in Linguistics, 1980
Participant Perspectives of Classroom Discourse. Part II: Why Do You Ask?. PDF Document Report to Office of Education, 1980
A Holistic View of Language. PDF Document Research in the Teaching of English, 15, 2 1981, 101-111